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5 Common PPC Pitfalls and Tips to Avoid Them

All individuals who operate the web-based business, want their sites to rank well on all leading search engine results. It helps them to get the desired traffic and create leads one after another. For this, they use different SEO tricks.

On a number of occasions, you don't get the desired results despite optimizing your website with the latest SEO practices. This is where PPC comes into play and helps you sustain in a highly competitive web-based business.

The full form of PPC is pay per click. In simple terms, it is a costly internet marketing technique in which advisors place advertisements and pay fees whenever one of their advertisements is clicked. It's a process of getting your keywords displayed on the first page of search engines and diverting a huge amount of traffic to your site for lead generation.

PPC, if implemented well, helps you to achieve the ultimate goals of your web-based business. If you make mistakes in PPC campaigns, you experience a huge financial setback and suffer great loss in terms of website traffic, generation of leads, and sales.

Have you also placed PPC ads? Not getting the desired results despite exerting your best efforts? If yes, then you must avoid making PPC mistakes. Just have a look at common PPC blunders and tips to avoid them-

1. Redirecting the audience to your site's homepage

As PPC is a costly internet marketing technique, all advertisers want to get the maximum return on the investment they make. So, when a customer clicks a PPC ad, he/she is taken to the homepage of the website. The reason behind this move is that advertisers want to sell several useful items to the interested customers.

But there is no guarantee that customers that land on your website through PPC ads are interested in your offerings. They may go away from your site if your offer/product is worthless. If it happens several times with you, just be careful as it diminishes the outcome significantly.


Determine high performing keywords, phrases, and terms associated with your business. Place those terms carefully in PPC ads and try to redirect visitors to specific product pages for increasing the outcome of your conversion rate optimization.

In case, you redirect the audience to your site's homepage, make sure that visitors easily find all key products/services on the front page. Just keep your site's navigation path simple and hassle-free so that visitors can easily search the desired products/services.

2. Monotonous ad content

In the web-based business, quality content helps entrepreneurs to fascinate the targeted audience and encourage them for buying their products and services time and again.

Because of a huge gap between demand and supply (of quality Content), most of the advertisers use lousy content to create PPC advertisements. As a result, you don't get the desired business opportunities despite spending a lot of money on PPC advertisements.


Determine high volume keywords for your business. Create quality content to run PPC ad campaigns. Make sure that your content motivates the targeted audience to buy your products/service. Take the help of professional content writing agencies if you have the shortage of quality Content. Do split test before running the PPC ad.

3. Neglecting local factors

All PPC advertisers aim for a lower CPC (cost per click) while running PPC advertisements. It is almost impossible to keep the ad cost under control if you ignore the local factors.

Let's understand it as an example- Suppose you sell your keywords all over the world. But, your audience residing in Australia loves to deal with a local service provider rather than contacting you directly. If you ignore the huge importance of business localization here, you are bound to pay more only for little business opportunities.


Localize your PPC advertising campaigns and make sure that you have a local vendor in specific areas to address the needs of the targeted audience.

4. Not tracking fraud networks

All leading search engines (on which you place PPC advertisements) have networks to distribute your ads. Some networks are fraudulent, which send fake traffic to your website with high bounce rate. In this case, your CPC is increased up to a great extent and you get only a few chances for lead generation.


It doesn't matter how affluent you are, even a single cent matters a lot in PPC advertising game. Make sure that your ads are distributed to the right network. This will reduce the CPC cost significantly and give you genuine visitors for conversation.

5. Poor handling of affiliates

Several companies use affiliates to garner more and more business. The problem here is that some affiliates don’t show any interest towards the success of your PPC campaigns. If this happens, you not only pay for CPC, but also to affiliates. All these increase the overall cost of your PPC campaigns and slash the profit margin.


It will be better for you to run PPC campaigns yourself. If you want to use affiliates for PPC advertisements, ask them to bring quality traffic for the generation of leads one after another.

Concluding remarks:

PPC is a costly way of promoting your products and services on the web and taking the web-based business to the next level. Just avoid the above-mentioned PPC pitfalls and gain success easily.

Author bio:

This article is contributed by Brandon Graves, a wordpress developer (convert html to wordpress) and digital marketing expert. Just follow him on Google plus to get his updates instantly.


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